Check Your Account

Before you register on the portal, you need to check whether you have an account with AHPCZ and verify that your national ID is also linked. If your account and national ID are both available, you can proceed to the registration page. If your national ID is not added, you need to email us with the correct national ID. Failure to do so will result in the system considering you as a new applicant, and the new account will not be attached to your existing one.

New Applicants

If you are new to AHPCZ, you don't need to verify your account; just click 'Register' to start the registration process. You are required to provide your first name, last name (previous, optional), a valid email address, a valid phone number, date of birth, and a valid national ID, license, or passport. After you submit the form, you will be redirected to the payment page, where you will be required to pay the application fee of $12. Following that, you will wait for approval from the accounts team, and this process will take 48-72 hours. After approval, you may proceed to update your profile and choose your profession.

Make Payment

For payment methods, we offer two options: bank payment and online payment. For bank payments we have CBZ BANK and STANDARD CHARTERED BANK, please upload the Proof of Payment (POP). Alternatively, you can choose online payment through either Paynow. Once you have completed the payment process, ensure that you upload the relevant POP for bank transactions. The verification of your payment may take some time, and you will receive confirmation once the process is complete. Please note that failure to provide the necessary proof may result in delays in processing your registration.

Account NameAllied Health Practitioners Council
Branch NameAvondale
Account Number0100209676900
Account NameAllied Health Practitioners Council of Zimbabwe
Branch Code6103
Branch NameAvondale Branch
Account Number66161383840018
Account NameAllied Health Practitioners Council of Zimbabwe
Branch Code6103
Branch NameAvondale Branch
Account Number66161383840028